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Are you the proud owner of a forklift, or do you operate one? It is imperative that you maintain a high level of care for your forklift, regardless of whether you use it for heavy lifting within a warehouse or on building sites outside. Regularly checking the forklift's hydraulic fluid is an essential part of the forklift maintenance process. In this blog, we will explain, in the simplest words possible, how to check the hydraulic fluid in your forklift, and we will do it by walking you through the process step by step. Let's get guidance from Truck Forklifts and keep our machinery perfectly functional and well-maintained.

Overview- What You Need to Know About Hydraulic Fluid Check Forklift

Before we get into how to check the forklift's hydraulic fluid, let's quickly go over what this article is about:

  • How important hydraulic fluid is: We'll tell you why hydraulic fluid is so important to the performance and safety of your truck.

  • What you'll need: A list of the things you need to do the job.

  • Guide Step-by-Step: A simple, straightforward way to check the hydraulic fluid.

  • How to fix things: Tips that will help you keep your forklift in good shape.

  • Trucks and Forklifts: We'll say a few words about Truck Forklifts, a trusted name in forklifts and other related equipment, which is where we got our knowledge.

First, let's talk about why it's so important to check hydraulic fluid.

Why Hydraulic Fluid Is So Important

The hydraulic fluid in your truck is like its blood. It's what makes it easy and safe to lift and lower things. Why does it matter?

  • Smooth Running: With the right amount of hydraulic fluid, your forklift will run easily, making it easy to move loads. Always follow Moffet Forklift Safety Tips

  • Be safe: If the hydraulic fluid is low or dirty, it could cause an accident. Your forklift will keep you and those around you safe if you check it often.

  • Life span: Taking care of your forklift's hydraulic system will last longer and cost you less money over time.

Now that you know why hydraulic fluid is important, let's get the necessary tools and materials.

Materials and Tools

Checking the hydraulic fluid isn't hard, and you won't need a lot of tools to do it. What you'll need is:

  • Gear for safety: When you work with hydraulic fluid, you should always wear safety glasses and gloves.

  • Towels or Rags: You can use these to clean up any spills.

  • Bright light: Some hydraulic tanks on forklifts may be in dark places.

  • Owner's Guide: It can tell you important things about the hydraulic system of your forklift.

Now that you have everything you need let's move on to the step-by-step guide.

Guide Step-by-Step

To check the hydraulic oil in your forklift, you only need to do a few simple things:

  • Safety First: Protect yourself by wearing your safety glasses and gloves.

  • Locate The Reservoir: Look in the owner's instructions to find the hydraulic fluid reservoir for your forklift. Usually, it's a clear steel tank.

  • Find out the Level: Use the reservoir's sight window to check how much fluid is in it. It should be in the suggested range, which is usually written as "MIN" and "MAX."

  • Check out the Color: The oil in the hydraulics should be clean and clear. If it's dark or dirty, you should go somewhere else.

  • Top Off If Needed: If the fluid level is below the "MIN" mark, slowly add hydraulic fluid until it hits the "MAX" mark.

  • Check For Holes: While you're at it, look for hydraulic fluid leaks around the reservoir or lines. If you see a problem, you need to fix it right away.

  • Secure the Cap: Make sure the cap on the tank is tight to stop contamination.

All done! You have successfully checked the hydraulic fluid in your forklift. But before we finish, here are a few more tips for keeping your forklift in good shape.

Maintenance Tips

  • Regular Checks: Checking the hydraulic fluid should be part of your routine maintenance plan.

  • Use the Right Liquid: Always use the type of hydraulic oil that comes with your forklift.

  • Keeping it Clean: Keep the area around the hydraulic tank clean to stop contaminants from getting in.

  • Address Leaks Quickly: If you find any leaks when you check, don't wait to fix them.

  • Follow The Rules: Check your owner's manual for special maintenance tips for your forklift.

Truck Forklift Company

We got this information from Truck Forklifts, a trusted name in forklifts and similar equipment. They have helpful information and goods for people who own and operate forklifts. 


In conclusion, checking the hydraulic fluid in your forklift is easy but important to ensure it runs smoothly, stays safe, and lasts a long time. By following our easy-to-understand guide and regular maintenance, you can keep your forklift in great shape and use it effectively for years. Remember that a well-maintained forklift is a safe forklift!


Q1. Why is it important to check my forklift's hydraulic fluid?

A1. Regular checks make sure that things work well, are safe, and last longer.

Q2. How often should I check the hydraulic oil in my forklift?

A2. Make it a habit. Ideally, you should do it before every use or as often as your maintenance plan says.

Q3. What should I do if I find a leak while doing the check?

A3. Fixing leaks quickly is important for safety and for the forklift to work well.